One of the easiest ways to feel wealthy is to spend money; it does not, in fact, matter whether the money is yours - simply having the ability to engage a shopkeeper, select an item based upon preference alone, and provide some form of payment, lends an air of authority and respect and acceptance.
The problem, as with so many things, is that this is a fleeting, temporary feeling. It is vaporous.
An additional problem is that there are countless ways to experience the same feeling without the actual ability to make payment; from this is the desire and use of credit born.
The cost of credit, however, is almost without comparison to other forms of limitation. Unlike simple physical examples of cost, the cost of credit can potentially require years from which to recover. Add to this its potential for addiction and you have the making of way to reduce or eliminate all sorts of freedoms for the sake of the ability of the vaporous.
A far more effective use of resources would be to never use credit.